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A Woman Writing by the Window


Welcome to the AWP Two-Year College Creative Writing Caucus

For over twenty years, two-year college faculty have caucused at the Association of Writers and Writing Programs convention.   As writers and teachers, we’ve found that having a place to discuss the unique joys and challenges of teaching at the two-year college has been invaluable. As technology developed, we moved many of these conversations online, and continue them throughout the school year, strengthening our bonds and communication into a nationwide network of two-year college faculty.

Join our community.

We invite you to join in the conversations, to utilize our resources on program design and pedagogy, and to find community at the caucus, both online and at our annual conference meeting. 

The next AWP Conference

will be in Los Angeles, CA

March 26-29, 2025

Stay in touch in the meantime!

Latest News & Posts

Learn more about the Caucus

Learn more about how the group works and what you can expect from the Caucus.

The Two-Year College Creative Writing Caucus invites you to share your programs and course documents with instructors across the country. Here are some we've gathered so far.

All members of the executive board are creative writing instructors at community colleges across the nation and serve a two-year term.

Community Forum

We have an active Facebook group where we share resources, celebrate accomplishments, and announce opportunities. 

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