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Reading on a Hammock


Below find descriptions of some creative writing programs at community colleges around the nation as well as example exercises and syllabi.


The Two-Year College Creative Writing Caucus invites you to share your programs and course documents with instructors across the country.   

Community College of Philadelphia: Certificate

Alan Elyshevitz created Community College of Philadelphia’s  Creative Writing Certificate in 2006.  It was designed to be taken with full Associates Degrees as a concentration. For the past few years, enrollment has held steady at 80 students.


For more information, contact Director, Jeff Markovitz at


Community College of Philadelphia Certificate in Creative Writing

Anokoa-Ramsey Community College:   A.A. and AFA

Anoka-Ramsey Community College in the suburbs of Minneapolis, Minnesota, is home to a robust and well-establish creative writing program that features two of the country’s first AA  and AFA in Creative Writing degrees, both of which can be completed in online or seated formats.


Our capstone is an manuscript development class completed in a one-on-one independent study format with a faculty member whose expertise matches the student’s genre; this course is paired with our Writer’s Life class, a practicum course that teaches students about the world of publishing, grants, and PR.


Our Two Rivers Reading Series and common book program is in its 20th year and has featured authors like Louise Erdrich, Robert Bly, Patricia Smith, Nurradin Farrah, and Wang Ping, and our Careers in Writing speaker series offers students insights into the professional lives of working writers.


Our well-published faculty hold MFA degrees, and our two campuses offer students the opportunity to work on literary magazines and hold internships in the vibrant literally community of the Twin Cities. Contact Kate Kysar for more information at


Anoka-Ramsey Community College Associate in Fine Arts (AFA) Degree in Creative Writing

Monroe Community College: A.A.

This program of study is designed for students who are interested in cultivating the strong writing skills that writing careers will require. The program includes courses conducive to transferring into a baccalaureate degree in English and/or Creative Writing, while keeping pathways open for baccalaureate degrees that emphasize more professional writing as well. Accordingly, the program is structured so students can (1) deepen their skills through scaffolded coursework and (2) broaden their experience with multiple genres and career pathways. The program culminates in a capstone course that familiarizes students with submission processes, transfer opportunities, and publishing/reading venues both in Rochester and around the country, preparing them for the next stage of their personal/professional lives as writers.


For more information, contact Program Coordinator Maria Brandt at


Saint Charles Community College: A.F.A. and Certificate

At St. Charles Community College, the English Department offers two degree programs in creative writing: a certificate of specialization, requiring sixteen hours of coursework, and a two-year Associate of Fine Arts in Creative Writing, designed for students who plan to major in English at the four-year level.  Students in both programs take courses in creative writing and literature, culminating in a one-hour independent study that serves as the capstone, where students work one-on-one with a creative writing instructor to craft and hone a personalized project toward publication readiness.



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