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About Us


The mission of the Two-year College Creative Writing Caucus is to connect creative-writing instructors at two-year institutions across the country and promote two-year college initiatives while providing a voice for two-year college concerns within the Association of Writers and Writing Programs.

Writing in Notepad


The Two-Year College Creative Writing Caucus was formed in 1994 with the work of Frank X. Gaspar, among others. Since then, we have grown from a few dedicated members meeting over dinner to well over two hundred active participants as evidenced by the high attendance levels at the annual meeting held during the AWP National Conference and Book Fair. The Two-Year College Caucus sponsors a table at the AWP Conference Book Fair, hosts off-site events, promotes accepted panels presented by members and two-year college instructors, and offers two-year college faculty and those interested in academic careers at two-year institutions a unique networking opportunity.


Two-Year College Creative Writing Caucus members network to create AWP conference session proposals, with veteran presenters and former AWP Board Members offering feedback on applications.


Recently, we  have undertaken the initiative of supporting and growing the presence of Associate of Fine Arts (AFA) and other creative writing programs, and institutional membership with AWP.   We hope that this website can be a place to provide resources to faculty and institutions interested in developing creative writing course documents, as well as a full AFA program in creative writing, and two-year degrees in writing or creative writing certificates. In addition to the Hallmarks of an Effective Two-Year Program,  we will share the experiences of faculty and directors who have been through the program development, accreditation, and the process of creating articulation agreements with four-year colleges.


Our membership is open to all who may benefit from our work and our conversations.     For more information, or to receive our monthly newsletter, contact Two-Year Caucus President, Stephanie Lindberg at

Meet The Executive Board

Executive Board
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