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Governance & Bylaws

Want to learn more about us?
You can find our bylaws below. 

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Bylaws of the Two-Year College Creative Writing Caucus




The purpose of the Two-Year College Creative Writing Caucus ("the Caucus") of the ASSOCIATION OF WRITERS AND WRITING PROGRAMS [Associated Writing Programs] ("AWP") is to further the theoretical, practical and PROFESSIONAL [political] interests of WRITERS [professionals] working in two-year colleges and to encourage dialogue about writing and learning among post-secondary students, faculty and staff.





Membership in the Caucus will be open to all AWP members who work and/or study in two-year post-secondary educational settings, and/or who are interested in working and/or studying in two-year post-secondary educational settings.




The Executive Board:


The Caucus will elect an Executive Board from its members. The Board will normally have 5 members.

The Executive Board will be elected by the Caucus members at the AWP Annual Conference. The following members will be elected FOR A TERM OF TWO YEARS IN THEIR RESPECTIVE POSITIONS:


  • President: The President of the Association will chair the Executive Board; moderate the Caucus meetings; assist committees and serve as liaison to the AWP. [Term: two years]

  • Vice Presidents: There will be two Vice Presidents who will work closely with the President.

    • One Vice President will represent the eastern portion of the country (defined as east of the Mississippi River). The other Vice President will represent the western portion of the country (defined as west of the Mississippi River).

    • The President shall request one of the Vice Presidents to assume his or her duties should the President be unable to continue. The request should be made based on the location of the AWP National Conference and Book Fair in that year. [Term: two years]

  • Secretary: The Secretary will take minutes at the annual meeting and will maintain the Association’s records. [Term: two years]

  • Treasurer: The Treasurer shall be responsible for managing the Caucus’s website and funding initiatives. Additionally, the treasurer will be responsible for reporting on the Caucus’s finances to membership at each annual meeting and providing documentation of spending to the Executive Board. [Term: two years]

    • Spending Restrictions: Caucus funds may be spent for the purpose of promoting the AWP Two-Year College Caucus and its initiatives. Funds may be spent to secure the Caucus Book Fair Table, purchase t-shirts, buttons, or other promotional materials, and on other items and necessities as approved by the Executive Board.


Executive Board members will have the following responsibilities:


  • To communicate with members by holding an Annual General Meeting, report to members at the annual Conference and through electronic means, and maintain active distribution list, website, listserv or newsletter.

  • To meet as needed to prepare for the annual conference and further the interests of the Caucus membership.

  • To issue a call for nominations and develop a slate of nominees in time for voting at the AWP annual conference.

  • To affiliate and cooperate with related organizations.


The Caucus will provide a recommendation regarding candidates for the AWP Board based on the candidates’ position statements and, when possible, interviews with the candidates. All Caucus members will be encouraged to vote in the AWP elections.


With approval from a majority of the Executive Board, any Executive Board member may step down from his or her post at any time due to personal hardship or illness. In this case, the line of succession will be as follows:


  • Vice President of the region (East or West) of the location of the next AWP National Conference and Book Fair

  • Vice President of region (East or West) opposite of location of the next AWP National Conference and Book Fair

  • Secretary

  • Treasurer




Changes in these bylaws will be made by a majority vote of the Executive Board and then must be ratified by a two-thirds majority of members attending the AWP annual conference.

Approved March 10, 2006, in Austin, Texas.


Revised Seattle, Washington 2014.


Caucus Handbook


Feel free to request a copy of the Caucus Handbook.

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